A month from now, our office closed its doors to our clients.
A strange period during which this office, usually a buzzing hive where 35 people are busy serving and securing our clients, becomes surprisingly calm, and sad.
In fact, as early as March 16, even before the presidential announcements, DAVID NOTAIRES, in order to protect its team and its clients from the risk of the pandemic spreading, had decided to close physical access to the premises.
The first days were very difficult to apprehend, divided as we were between the very problematic health situation, our mission of public officers that we were determined to pursue, and a sluggish economy.
Therefore, while the partners were physically present at the office to respond directly to client requests, we urgently organised teleworking in order for most of our employees to continue the follow-up of their clients and cases.
In addition, a decree was recently published by the government to compensate for the ban on physical reception of clients and to promote the authentic act established through remote tools.
Thus, the legal situation is currently as follows:
- For private agreements, private divisions of estate, inheritances, preliminary sales agreements and classic deeds of sale, if all documents are provided and received, if the moving-in and out can be done, and if the last visit prior to signature was realised: we send you draft of the deeds to be signed, and powers of attorney. You send us those signed POA back, with copies of your passports, so that we can certify your identities without you having to physically come to our office or the civil office;
- For the gift deeds, marriage contracts or off-plan property sales, the power of attorney under private signature is not admitted and it is necessary to authenticate it in front of the notary, directly or by videoconference (thanks to the new decree): please consult us for the full process to follow;
- Finally, all the consultations are ensured, by phone calls and other useful and secure digital tools.
In addition, we are now working to reopen our services as of May 11th, with the implementation of procedures that will allow us to limit the health risk as much as possible, both for our teas and for our clients and partners.
We look forward to seeing you soon,
Jean-Pierre Lameta, notary partner